(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

If Marshal is scum, then the team is likely Marshal / Hail based off of Wazza’s actions from what N.1 has communicated to me

well RN i know marshal isn’t scum so im going to start solving and wait for apprentice and shuri to exist

if you see this message, give ghost vote to Apprentice

i think you are right in that uni can’t be demon here(and i figured out why overnight no thanks to n >:[)

and so between wazza/hail it is

Vul kill feels weird but a double scum traveler world is a massive feelsbadman

although for purposes of parity it makes sense since a traveler kill fucking sucks

i mean apprentice is like 100% town here anyways so :man_shrugging:

they probably figured he had to be the outsider

How is no one claiming class change

Like what

Possible swap was just a bad play to make since it might be clearing to players


Just love getting into an even shittier situation when it’s completely optional

i claim turning from vortox into witch last night :^)

that’s not a thing. there is no imp

/s for you heathens who can’t take sarcasm

No class change 4 me as previously said

oh wait barber

Only scum can reply to this:


I’ve devised a perfect strategy

me, realizing i can’t reply to this:

aw man :frowning: