(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Good’s only chance is to give Apprentice another day to try to come online and solve.

Maybe he’s just asleep.
Timezones are a thing.

He’s been offline for around 60 hours straight
He’s been busy, not just asleep

He could always come online inside of a minute, though.
Just saying it doesn’t add up to a whole lot.

He could yeah, but this game can’t be solved without Shurian’s dead vote or a statement of Shurian openwolfing by refusing to give his dead vote, neither of which can possibly happen in time because Shurian is asleep and will definitely be asleep through the end of nominations.

So our best chance is definitely nominating and executing someone’s corpse today, to give us another day tomorrow.

What does executing a corpse end up doing to the dead player?
Does it even do anything?

While we’re all waiting for something to happen, perhaps we can cast votes on the call to exile the Beggar? I’ll remind the town that seven votes are needed to exile the Beggar, and dead players may vote without using a ghost token.

Nothing, no.
But it prevents Vortox’s alternate win condition of a day passing with no execution from activating.

please do not upvote this . . . nominating Apprentice was probably a desperate ploy by Shurian IMO.

Then execute me.
I want a better death @Tangeld
My last one was actually great.
And as the old Demon - from last game - should add to something.

Oh wait. I’m still on the clock tower.
I’m gonna end up falling, won’t I? sigh.
Soulcatcher opportunity?

Only living players can nominate
But it doesn’t matter which corpse is nominated / executed
So if you want to get executed again, sure.

I didn’t nominate lol.


Isn’t it MyLo though?

Yeh, it is.

No, it’s worse than mylo by a little bit.
We either execute the demon, execute a corpse with the nominator not suffering the witch’s curse, or we lose.
We can’t just No Lynch because then we lose to Vortox’s alternate win condition of having no execution.
If we want another day, we have to execute a corpse instead of no lynching.

me me me me me
double hell
double hell

If you are confident that you’re not suffering from the Witch’s Curse right now, nominate a corpse.
If you’re not confident, then hold for now but we may need you back in about 4 hours if no one else good shows up by then.

does day end with witch curse? Or like hows it work again

I’d actually prefer you wait @Universal
If the witch is alive, Hail and Wazza are both the least likely people to be afflicted by her.
I’d prefer that one of them nominate the corpse, if possible.

Witch curse would kill the nominator and make it F3
meaning we would have to execute the demon that same day or we lose.