(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Literally no one has anything to gain by whispering me that’s why I said “who wants to look sus and whisper me” the first time

Marshal only wants to whisper you because I whispered you. He seems to have forgotten something.
Also @Marshal stop talking there. Apprentice broke whisper.

/whisper apprentice

Don’t do it app. Marshal is sus as hell rn.

So me/datbird/apprentice aren’t a demon

I’m making quick progress

Oh yeah sorry I broke it. /accept Marshal

I’m not Demon, Hail isn’t, and EVO isn’t.

This is really sus.

eh @Apprentice can i jsut say what happened in our whisper since its not really needed to be kept secret

It’s a good thing I don’t care if you’re sus of me. If you exile me I literally gain power I’m the one Traveler you don’t want to exile if you’re sus of them

Yeah that’s fine it wasn’t important

Wrong. It means you have no votes when you die and you need to convince dead people to give you their vote.

Nope. I have no votes currently. If I die I lose my ability and get a dead token.

aight apprentice reactiontested me a while ago and i knew it was a reactiontest but wanted to reverse-reactiontest to be sure

so i claimed daemon to him but since he was doing nothing and did the same to magnus apparently i outted that i knew and just went about my business

So you’re useless, then.

Well, duh.

Essentially if you think I’m evil you just ignore me and I literally can’t do anything

Anyway I don’t think Vulgard or Nuclear is demon or else they reacted VERY well. I’m confident enough unless I’m given significant proof. Marshal did claim demon to me but I doubted it because his “minions” just happened to be Universal and his neighbor which was a meme. Also I’m pretty sure Vulgard isn’t a minion either so that was weird. I’m not reading into how Marshal or Magnus reacted a ton.

Makes sense. Marshal still sus to me, though

It’s actually pretty simple

@Marshal How many outsiders do you think are in play?