(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

The rules of the fiddler are that even if it’s in play, the Demon must choose to activate it

The demon could both outright refuse to ever call the fiddler or ever nightkill.

i uh also was kind of planning on staying up until 2 am solving

and now that that’s not a thing i kinda don’t know what to do with myself


Whos the fiddler?

i read the wiki; im dumb
seems st decides when to activate the fiddler and i’ve been using it wrong

sorry @Tangeld

Fiddler is the Fabled character whose token N has just posted; everyone goes to sleep, the Demon chooses a player of the alignment opposing their own, and everyone chooses which of the two wins.


I’m curious as to how you interpreted Fiddler as “Demon chooses to activate this” in the first place.

Interesting, but does he play a song


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favorite gutair hero song

I put fiddler in at the start
Demon can choose to activate it at any time (or set his own timer with any length for activating it later) by notifying me privately
Probably would be best for him when he’s doing well and is heavily townread against a good player that is heavily scumread.

That… no. Fiddler is meant for when the game needs to end, be that by time constraints or the players attempting to stall the game coughs in that being what you people are doing right now.

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Fiddler improves our odds here.
So bring it lmao.

i’d rather play for 96 more hours then lose

and so i will lynch corpses until the vortox is man, woman, or person enough to kill some1

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I can guarantee i will railroad this town into never blinking.
There is no escape from Sharia Law.
Either someone dies to witch, Demon blinks, or the fiddler appears.

There is no other option.

It’s time for you to think, Vortox.
Accept that my will is unbreakable and is significantly more iron-clad than anyone else’s here.

The Fiddler cannot do anything but hurt your odds.
Choose to nightkill tonight.
Give yourself a fighting chance, please.

dude N is going super saiyin over here

this vortox b tremblin


Ok Marshal
Are you scum lol

no sir