(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/Exile Tangeld.

Is this legal?

That would’ve been the biggest plot twist in history though lmao

I don’t know. We can where as heck try though >:D

*sure not where how did my phone get where

(Just quikedit.)


Nominations are now closed.

Voting opens, it will close in slightly less than 24 hours to accommodate host scheduling. Voting will officially close when the thread locks.

Italy is the sole nominated player.

With four players alive, two votes are required to execute.

/vote execute italy’s corpse

/exe on Italino

Uh @DirectorHail @Universal

Someone exe?

nah we are fine

2 votes locked in, no possible way for anyone to unvote(we are both locked in) and so it’s always a italy-exe i think

By the way, how did Apprentice leave us?

Why we executing a corpse?
The Demon just won’t kill now.

all 4 people alive are in Demon PoE and forcing demon to kill someone means that somebody will be removed from demon PoE

and if demon no-kills again(major douche move BTW) i belevive storytellers have ways of speeding the game up

It seems beneficial for demon to not kill.

A tie is fine for Demon tho.

but it’s not a tie

it forces demon to choose a good player and then the living players decide which one of them they think is the demon

and a 2-way battle is worse for the demon then a 3-way battle

Demon chooses someone that would NEVER be chosen.
Say… Marshal.

/exe Italy


At this point let’s just end itttt