(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

yes i know that

i haven’t really read italy and i guess i can do that overnight

i’ve been putting off combing through our whispers because i’ve had extended conversations with both italy and dat and so there is likely some form of spew in there

but honest to god playing the waiting game has just been eh and i prefer real-time interactions and mech puzzle-peicing to traditional reading here

i’ve been doing a lot of thinking and have a lot of thoughts, and have found some things that would have helped earlier, but rlly it’s kinda just fizzled out for me

Could you divulge into the contents of those convos at least
Maybe we can try to pull something off

dont pull of my legs, plz i need those

Because I see a lot more life from Wazza’s slot

well i will say that i heavily beleive italy was trying to get me to reveal evo as mutant without saying it straight up and his whisper and in-thread behaviour matches with that world.

and im just upset i didn’t notice it until last night phase while rereading game

i can talk about some of the whispers if u want me to and comb thru them

I think you should
It’s always useful


i’ll comb through it now and if anything pops out at me then i’ll say it

and i’ll try to build something more detailed during night phase when i feel up to it

i also realize that i slipped evo as mutant in this chat which was irresponsible

but right now im combing through dat

he expressed a dislike for simon early on

he said he didn’t think magnus was demon because of the way he was playing

and also said he didn’t think witch rolled because of his class
which might be helpful for later

so shurian knew my claim because i softed earlier(although there was some fuckery with this which i’ll get into tommorow if im still alive)

dat said we should keep an eye on the slot, i said i thought it was kinda townie, and then he switched up and agreed with me instead

Who is alive rn .-.


me, wazza, hail, universal

No u.

no me. ok


he mentioned not talking with italy or N all that much

oh this actually might be big

i asked him about the proposition of a no-lynch and he actually said he rather wouldn’t

which i think means he didn’t know vortox game at that point

probably means something but im too tired to figure that shit out right now

and im at the end of the dat whispers

my brain hurts and imma watch sketch comedy on youtube

italy iso gets combed tonight