(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


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Unless the mod has lied to me, who knows


this man is modconfirmed traveler

all travelers are

he can still be bad boi

but like minion is specifically off the table

I more meant like if your doing this whisper meta thing, I dont want you whispering willy nilly and want to keep a track of who you have. Cause theres a lot of problems if the demons or minions get leaked this info. This plan of yours requires so much trust, and if you leak this at all can ruin the game. So Im asking who you talked to after you got their claim and what about. Cause this is important

I was told that DatBird isn’t a traveler, weird

Nuclear are you an artist

were u told i was a bishop?


b r u h

You absolute peanut
You can’t fake being a traveler
And artist isn’t even that hard to fake

I laugh in the non-interesting whisper strat

I dont trust Marsh yet. Would understand if it worked D3 or something, but not for now.

Have we found the malfunctioning person

hey whats an artist do for those that are botc impaired?

I was def told that you were not a traveler

One shot oracle or some shit
Asks host a yes/no question.

fwiw i don’t see nuc faking this but…

his info is 10000000% wrong

hows malfunctioning work?

Artist asks the ST a yes/no question exactly ONCE. Nuclear appears to be enough of a nerd to ask the question “Is datbird a traveler?”

Well my role is useless then

time to afk

thank you nuclear very cool

Malfunctioning works in the way that host will give you random information at their whim

Worked out somehow for me last time due to the whisper strat, but I can see people becoming lucky too.