(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


or wazza is just scum


That is a possibility that I am obligated to deny.

also sorry I’m back. Can we get @DirectorHail here soon.

Magnus openclaiming immediately as flowergirl makes sense if they had a plan to go alongside it
But town doing it is actually just terrible

you of all people should know how terrible magnus is as town
it’s how he always ends up getting scumread no matter what he does

He claimed that he was trapped and was getting deathtunneled by Marshal and perhaps others within whispers IIRC

But they’re seemingly trying hard this game because they have friends in game


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They did have a plan.

It’s a shame I denied their plan.

i never tunneled him i don’t think

i was collecting claims and asked magnus for his
he asked to do a claim-for-claim type thing and was relucatant otherwise iirc and so i kinda tricked him into giving me his claim which caused some salt from him

Magnus made a proposition that we should switch roles when he whispered me.
I denied him as I wanted some time before I could trust him.
He was fine with it, none of us outed and we just continued onwards with the game.

@Magnus you can confirm this.

Additionally, I felt my role was a pretty solid role that would be useful to instantly out info as.

it sounds like our most sensible options right now are:

  1. Marshal (Vortox) + Hail (Witch) (the two swapped with each other at EoN4)

  2. Hail (Vortox) + Magnus (Witch), Hail killed Magnus during N1 even though doing this was absolutely -EV for him; i’m sorry but I absolutely doubt this especially since Magnus claimed Flowergirl who demon needs to kill ASAP if they ever out

  3. Wazza (Vortox); nothing else matters in this case

he did the same for me

i said i would claim to him if i was confident enough on his alignment and he claimed flowergirl

i asked him if he whispered anyone else(didn’t rlly care abt neighbors because clockmaker) and he did so i denied claiming to him

To me, Option 1 is more likely than Option 3, which is more likely than Option 2.

well it’s good to know someone else can confirm what Magnus did.

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Currently I assess the following:
Option 1 50%
Option 3 35%
Other Possibilities 10%
Option 2 5%