(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

When a pit hag creates a demon, deaths become arbitrary for that night only
Not any future nights

Either way, I’m saying Insanity was not Witch, but instead Pit Hag.

i doubt that possibility still

I still say Insanity was the other minion with no switch.

if you’re good and there was no swap, yes

I’m going with Hail being Demon.

And now I shall brb, I need to take a break and lie down, I wore my new glasses for too long.

I find the chance of a swap occurring and you being evil both to be more likely options at this point, thiough

we could probably use some more social analysis from @Geyde


i think i should accept this game as a likely loss, sadly
Good fell behind so badly early on
When no one is mechanically or socially cleared to not be the demon in F3, i’m pretty sure we’re fucked

unless @Geyde can save our asses

gg @DatBird @Italy +2

I just thought I’d say…why would the demon switch?

wait what
where am I looking at here

Ah fun
I have to guess who is scum

game isn’t over

n has kinda just given up
which he shouldn’t do (@N.1)

I want all of you to vote each other

So I’m going to have to figure out how to do this

Tough game
good job by scum to make this f3 literal hell to work through

i beleive if i vote myself and hail and wazz cross-nom, then there’s no chance at insta loss i beleive

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unless one of hail or wazz is not on

Good idea
I want you to go first in order to confirm it

my only problem is one of hail or wazza not being on before deadline

but sure

like… rn?