(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

We’re going with geyde here. Hail is not demon. So nom Marshal.

if anything, if Hail is demon, the game can be called early, ending our suffering

well wazz could technically still nom him in that case

I’d prefer to wait for Hail to nom Marshal if possible.
So wait for now @Wazza
And please appear @DirectorHail

Not if Wazza nominates you (which Geyde was suggesting)


Their result or their class?


I know I didn’t receive the latter first. I may have received the former first via whisper? Idk

Ignore me.
I never received the former via whisper, it seems.

his results or his class


when did they use their ability

During Night 4.

Because I commanded them to.

They targeted Hail and Wazza because I told them to, as well.

when did vul die

EoN4 / SoD4

ok so at this acc he says his thing
i said ok to the info and told him to just tell N and broke whisper

so the same night as when Uni acted.
If demon uses barber ability, the swap occurs before Seamstress as well as all other investigative abilities.

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