(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Simon whispers DatBird: Very Start of Day 1
Simon whispers DirectorHail: Very Start of Day 2

Simon was pressuring Dat into whispering em.

go read up on the posts.

Immediately afterward

Unless Dat knew somehow that Simon was minion, that’s not in anyway ai for his slot

This is pretty clear softing

Evil Traveller is informed of who the Demon is.

@DatBird tell us your secrets, heretic.

And dat never whispered Director despite being a decent tr for quite a few players iirc

i like alfredo

to be fair the only person who whispered Dat was Marshal.

And I ain’t calling Marshal demon.

why not

I trust in N.1 and I find the Demon Swap theory to be too complicated.

Plus, if I keep thinking about it, it’s just going to convolute everything.


  1. I’m doing this to end Nominations so the hosts don’t have to stay up till 1am.
  2. That whisper with Simon actually ended up leading no where, as by the time he accepted I had gone offline. He couldn’t be bothered waiting and ended the whisper, after more consideration I decided it wasn’t vital so I never caught back up on it.

Yeah it’s not much, just posting this so nominations can end. Although Geyde and Marshal have made some good points regarding to why Wazza is evil

@Tangeld @Arete You May sleep

No, don’t end nominations.

Why would you want to end nominations?