(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

It’s rational for a snake charmer to do that early since they want to win

italy(who, from what i’ve heard, has played a lot of BoTC) was caught out because he made actions that no townie would ever make and should have known what he was doing was bad.

but i do not think the same logic applies to hail

it was more that no one else but him would have targeted a corpse as cerenovous than anyone else

to be fair i wouldn’t have insta-actioned as a real philosopher either

Italy openwolfing owo


you just told me that he was openwolfing because of the 3 non-goes as philo and i went along with it because it made sense

also i noticed that too

the openwolfing that is

i mean you can’t really hide it when you’re the only person in the conceivable fucking universe who would madden a corpse

Well duh

I would have tbh

That was pretty stupid looking back on it tbh

It’s the biggest reason we decided to kill you

I would madden somebody who is commonly inactive

personal thought: i should’ve maddened dat so he could’ve at least wasted a day with his death


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i would have maddened someone to claim a scum class like evil twin and then i claim good twin :^)

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but ok

But can we accept that our boi Director is acting too innocent to be scum

ok but was it before i ever whispered or came in contact with hail


it would have been an extremely baffling game overall from a starting demon