(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Hey, let’s keep this thread on-topic…

Make every word in that Skribblio game the name of a character from BotC.

it should be hail there not wazza

dat’s basically already told us. evil wins

You were such a bastard, you fucked us up entirely.

I am really pissed off at you. Congrats, you did this.

But I will forgive you after this game.

Just not right now.


I think we can still win?

no wait, Vulgard exe’d on me, we can’t.

nope. all submitted votes are locked in.
again, im sorry.
it was an extremely unconventional play from hail.

That was an accident…? I meant to exile the Bishop not the Beggar. I’ve been getting confused about it all game, even in my classcard.

when voting started, i was very tired and just chose to sheep geyde

The fact you ignored the point of him lying in general is what pissed me off.

and this game was plagued by slanking all over, so we kind of just had to go with something

again, im sorry.
I tend to suck as good in this game almost all of the time

i suspect geyde pocketed me or the demon is no longer a vortox

Additionally, the fact Geyde wants me exe’d for a VERY SIMPLE MISTAKE of me trying to exile the Beggar, who by the way WASN’T EVEN ABLE TO BE EXILED AT THAT POINT really pisses me off more.

They are Vortox.

Vulgard was also evil-sided anyway.

if there was a pit hag, they could have changed hail to a different kind of demon
making all of our information useless after some point in the game

there must be 2 outsiders in a vortox game