(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

…from having a known demon

not overly likely, but I think the explanation makes sense

“we already wagoned your scumbuddy and are waiting for flip just tell us”

You have 1 vote dude.
Vote Hail.

Dead votes lock I believe. @Tangeld

Can’t believe Wazza was promoted to Demon this game.

Was it you evil over Insanity? Fr?

Because I’m totally not cleared town.

You aren’t confirmed tho

If you were you would’ve voted Hail

I said cleared.

How are you confirmed lol?

I ain’t but I think the fact that I have 5 votes makes your vote either way irrelevant

unless minions quikvote.

we’re guarantedd to lose anyway because some morons used their votes too early and then convinced others to do the same

Impossible, I already have demon voting me and all evils said they wouldn’t vote

And there’s 2 votes on Hail, most dead have used their votes.

we need to pick a route here

where do you want to go
I’m uncertain

i want to go wazza.

if im wrong about wazza being evil i’ll uh buy the new animal crossing and play with you N