(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Think about this from my perspective, Marshal. This is literally my last shot. I have to convince you, Marshal.

Would I try this hard as scum, look back on all my games, would I try this hard as town though? No. But I’m motivated. You have to trust in me, please.

You’re the last town that talked other than Marshal and Universal.

I just can’t do this wazza.

this is really tough for me

let me read the isos and try to figure shit out

this is probably the tensest fucking EoD of my life

I’ll vote once dat and Italy vote

Please do. You have 43 minutes.

They already said they won’t vote.

Only time they vote is for a quickhammer is needs be.

That’s, if they’re online of course.

Then I’ll just vote T-minus 1 minute from EOD

Give me like 10 minutes to comb through the iso’s REALLY quick and whispers and shit

also this is a load of BS they will always come on at EoD and vote

But they probably will be.

This is pointless.

Like I said:

It wouldn’t matter then. It would be 6 votes to 3.

It would be more than over at that point.

at the '35 mark of the hour i’ll be back and try to fucking make a choice

Be as fast as you can, Marshal.

then again, I don’t know why I’m trying.

I WILL I WILL im speed fucking reading

Wazza state your defense

I’ve stated my defense this whole day, Uni, please read up

Granted I’ve posted like 500 posts today.