(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

@Magnus go! Vote Hail!

/vote arete!

Fuck him up!

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We still got seconds! GO!


Oh you were evil.

After all that, you were fucking evil?


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“Really? We’re going back to the tree?”

“Worked for us last time, Tan! We just have to hope we’ve got it right this time!” Marshal and Hail held Wazza’s arms and legs, respectively, as they carried him out to the same tree where the Imp had once swung.

“No! You fools! You’re dooming the town!” Wazza struggled against their grip as they put the noose around his neck.

Marshal tossed the bitter end of the rope over the sturdiest branch as Hail lifted Wazza’s feet onto a block of wood that had been lying nearby, to serve as the drop.

“Marshal! You know it’s him! Why are you helping this monster?!”

“Wazza, stop trying to get in my head! No one else but you dies here! Hail… Do it.”

Hail nodded and kicked the block free. Wazza dropped sharply and caught on the taut rope.

“He’ll… make you… pay…” And with that, Wazza was gone.

Marshal looked at Hail with a tense expression. A moment passed… then two…

“Hot DAMN, Hail, I didn’t think we were gonna pull that one off! I oughta give you more credit in the future!”

Wazza has been executed, and only two players remain. The Vortox reigns supreme. Time for a roll call!

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G fuckin G y’all

gg @Marshal
seems i was wrong
your scum play is as good as it’s ever been

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Marshal I lowkey knew you were evil but I knew i could never mount a strong enough case for it

It’s been fun but I’m out

my biggest regret was pouring so much time into this game for no reason

Also Marshal WHY DID YOU KILL ME. ;-; you betrayed me ;-;

and being mean in general

maddes of mad respect to @Wazza and @N.1 for their intense effort in the game

y’all did great

I think you do bring up a good point this game was hella toxic

The boulder couldn’t stop me