(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

yeah italy told me that i could kill evo with the thing

i did not know it would execute him, i thought it was like a dayvig

i posted at like 8:41:45 when EoD was 8:41
i should have realized it would have been smarter to just let the game end because of how much time i was going to end up putting in after that and how deflating it would feel if i lost

yeah i pointed that out

but told tan and arete i didn’t blame them for keeping game moving

That, alongside shurian basically openwolfing after death, broke the camel’s back

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yeah that was mega whack

Well technically apprentice still didn’t lose because he isn’t a player anymore :eyes:

to me day should end at 8:41 on the dot. So that got em rather heated

Tangeld and I were like ‘these bluffs kind of suck should we give them something else’ but then we were like ‘Philo lets them bluff literally any role in the game so no’

@Italy the picture you posted at your vote made me laugh like a madman. Oh my lord I sworn I nearly fell in love with you

ngl evil got pretty lucky here

still maintain that i played well here

With that info (shurian conf town), scum would literally have nowhere to hide

i had a plan for that i think

To this day, I don’t know why Shurian was told to give the Beggar their vote token, and responded by trying to exile the Beggar.

i could tell you were mad lol

what was the plan
I’ll give a rough ‘this is obviously agenda’ rating

@Italy u had me worried though that u wouldnt show up.

I still am pissed that I replaced into a slot only to be called a gamethrowing confirmed scum for saying what was accurate to me

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Dat that entrance was great oml


That fucking hurt

which one?