(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

it would be a bit cruel for ST to nominate only good because vortox could be in play

I think Rehab has been pure and the claim shenanigans felt genuine, I wouldn’t vote for him. I believe it’d be difficult for wolf!Rehab to fake that.

Magnus I have no idea about. I want to vote him, because he seldom does anything alignment indicative enough to put him outside of the PoE. That said, if I were to go with my gut, I would say he’s V because he’s actively engaging in the thread (in a silly argument, but still engaging). As wolf he tends to lurk more, from my experience.

That leaves EVO, and EVO’s posts have not really made me feel one way or the other.

There is really… not much.

This reaction to my outing of Apprentice feels strange in hindsight. Like EVO doesn’t care, even though I implied Apprentice could be a wolf.

/vote Arete
/vote EVO
/not vote Magnus (is this proper phrasing?)
/voten’t Nuclear_Rehab (this one is not.)

We can swap claims, if you want.

I frankly have no idea what you mean and how it is meant to help me determine your alignment. Are you hardclaiming something I’m unaware of?

I mean, we can whisper, and I will hardclaim to you if you hardclaim to me.
Not necessarily in that order.

I’m not sure if hardclaiming to you would be beneficial to the village. :thinking:

Convince me it would be, and maybe I will accept the deal.

I’m also kinda surprised you are extending this offer to me within the confines of the thread rather than verbalizing it in a whisper.

It will be in a dm.
And I would claim first.

My point flew way over your head.

Why are you offering this to me in the thread instead of in a whisper? Are you doing this for towncred? :thinking:

Because people seem to want to lynch me despite me being easily confirmable.

Why not openclaim in the thread, then, instead of claiming to me in a whisper? If you are “easily confirmable” and aligned with the village, would you not want everyone to hear your claim instead of one person of an uncertain alignment?

Unless you have TMI on my slot, and as such know I’m a villager, and want to convince a villager to advocate against your lynch. I don’t really understand what you’re doing if you are a villager. :upside_down_face:

Because there’s no protect classes.

You know, what? Fine. I’m dead anyway.
Flowergirl @everyone

You are indeed correct, there are no protective classes.

…Why did you claim? I was V-leaning your slot and I was not voting to lynch you. All I was doing was pressuring you. I don’t think Flowergirl is easily confirmable, but it’s definitely a strong role if you are not lying. That was a bad idea. :<

Because EVERYONE wants me dead.
Literally. Even if I hadn’t been executed, I would’ve been killed.

Show me the proof that is the case. :upside_down_face:
I didn’t quite see a lot of people advocating for your lynch.

Your logic makes no sense.

I explained that. Please read my posts, they contain my entire thought process. Just because I lean your slot V does not mean I should not pressure you when I can.

Well, now that you claimed, it has all gone out the window.

I don’t believe you.
This seems like a very scummy thing to do.

Especially since you know I claim, it’s literally my meta. Why would you pressure me in any situation? If I wasn’t Flowergirl, I would’ve claimed hours ago.

You are a villager, we shouldn’t be arguing. :upside_down_face: Wolfread me if you want, I’m not nominated. Can you tell me what you think about the other nominees? Rehab and EVO?