(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I’ll be honest, when I said the Demon swapped with me and people said that becoming the Demon wouldn’t change somebody’s alignment, I was floored. Since when does becoming an evil role not change your alignment?

And that’s just one thing. I was floored several times this game. I did have a couple of laughs, but still. I feel like despite the extensive post detailing the available classes, I still didn’t really get much info regarding the game’s mechanics. And, understandably so, the people who knew how to play were essentially playing a separate game from everyone else. I can’t blame them. It always happens in these situations. It’s easier to play with people who know what’s going on rather than explain everything to the newcomers at every twist and turn.

I also feel like the classes should be available in the OP, and perhaps separated a little better, with colors and all. That’s just a minor thing, but going back to the signup thread all the time just to check what a class does was mildly irritating.


One of the most confusing things about this game is that your character is distinct from your alignment.

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Good’s win condition is to kill all demons regardless of the alignments of the demons
Evil’s win condition is to have at least 1 demon alive in the final 2, no matter what alignment that demon is

There are classes that do things that can end the game in other ways
Such as Klutz, Doppleganger, and Vortox in this version

You see, this is the kind of thing that should definitely be in the OP, perhaps under “Demons” or something. Just in general, I think there should be a wiki, like there is for ToL and ToS. Would certainly make things less confusing for a new player when you can read all about that confusing stuff in a trustworthy location.

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There is a wiki

Urgh. I’ve been exposed, I didn’t Google it. I wasn’t sure if whatever I found would directly correlate to this specific game’s rules.

Like I said, I’m not blameless here. These are just some thoughts I’ve had while the game was still ongoing.
And by the way, my slanking was not voluntary, I just had no idea what was going on and how to contribute. I did nominate the Demon via social reads, though, so I suppose I did something right.

you weren’t the biggest slanker
and I torpedoed us by keeping all information out of everyone’s hands until the final day, as well as being really mean to everyone when I quarterbacked

it’s okay


Will forever stay in my memory. Thank you.

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Also, my slanking had a purpose. I was hoping the wolves wouldn’t kill me. And they didn’t, until super late into the game.

i tried haha

I felt like the wolves would kill me if I just posted, and it would be bad for us considering my role. So I just… didn’t attract attention.

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i figured out the solution on the final day. I just rejected it because i was sheeping geyde

The original vortox thunderdoming himself by accident really early on is what won evil the game ironically

Tan made a meme 10 days ago about this happening. and it did

we got town killed the first two days, the second day, one that really did not want to die to lynch but had to to prolong the game due to extreme slanking

our traveler was forcibly exiled due to continuous inactivity

with how badly this game started for us, I guess I’m happy that I was able to battle back and hypothesize the solution among other possibilities, even though I ultimately rejected it because I was sheeping geyde.

For one of my friends who plays this game, figuring out the solution to the game before it ends is a lot more important to him than winning the game.

I guess the same is sort of true for me, and I sort of figured it out (at least, I definitely considered it as one of the more likely options before ultimately rejecting it)

even though it definitely was painful to lose with how much time I put into this thing, it was fun nevertheless and ultimately a worthwhile experience (now that I’ve had the time to cool down and think properly about this)

Crazy effort, N. Like, really. 1300 posts, and that’s not even including private communication.
You did well.

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Hail’s start of game choice to thunderdome Uni as seamstress is the only reason evil won the game.
Whether it was a galaxy brain play or just an absurdly lucky accident, I’m okay that I lost like that as I’m confident we could have won had we not rejected hail because of Magnus’s confirmation of his D1 seamstress claim. Heck, I solved the game, I just rejected that solution because vortox thunderdoming himself day 1 and this being verified by a basically guaranteed townie (in magnus) made that play coming from a starting vortox so baffling to me as to be basically inconceivable.

would you agree with the above sentiment @Geyde

Ultimately, after contemplation, I probably feel better losing this game than winning BotF 1.
Simply because I feel that I fought really hard this game and gave it all that I had.

BotF 1 was my first game of clocktower ever. I had no clue what was going on, and even though I won, the integrity of the result of that game was entirely compromised.