(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i don’t really care, i find the pdf I have to be strictly better that the information tan wrote in the old thread’s OP

but yes, Outisders are members of the town like any other, unless they are mentioned specifically, like with fang gu

Please use good rather than town to refer to the good team
If you say town, that causes confusion with townsfolk

theyre just like millers, townys that hurt the town

town, good, and bd are all interchangeable in my head

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this isn’t FM, which is why it’s classified as a misc

its like an fm, thats why people here are making normal reads

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i disagree. using the word town to refer to the good team can cause a lot of confusion with the townsfolk sub category

and fm serves as a valid point of comparison in terms of explaining how things work

but this is going nowhere, so let’s drop it

thats not an opinion. thats just how it is in my head

you have an opinion as to what it should be acceptable to refer to good as other than good
that i disagree with

Simon feels like a villager to me, perhaps for a silly reason. He has been more than ready to engage in arguments with people I consider villagers, and putting himself “out there” like this from the start of the game would be a very bold strategy as a wolf. Besides, I don’t think there is a good reason for a wolf to keep arguing with people early on, especially over little things which do not matter. Simon’s insistence on keeping up these discussions feel to me like the instinct of a stubborn villager.

I may flip this read, because I can still see a wolf doing this, but I believe in a villagery motivation. Simon is now several steps closer to my lock villagers.

I had a couple of thoughts about other players, but I don’t really believe them. Please start posting something that will help me sort you out.

Walks out of the thread.

I’ve already claimed, and my info is all out there so Simon saying “if you don’t claim a strong role we are just going to kill you”

is from a scum that hasn’t been absorbing the information happening around him

That’s not what I’m saying.
I’m saying that if your not a strong role, it’s okay for you to be lynched

As in, the lynching becomes not a penalty, or at least less of one

I honestly don’t know your info, your right that I missed it or something. But lynching the easy claims day 1 just makes sense in BotC.
Like in another mode for BotC, trouble brewing, one of the n1 only roles is usually lynched d1, because they’re really easy to take, and of all town to lynch, they provide the least possible punishment toward town (besides the fact that a town was lynched instead of an evil, there is 0 punishment)

*a good

I’m not going to correct myself, sorry. I’m specific enough in my word choice for an arbitrary rule as to what means what, as a filter, to work,

Aka, if you give me an arbitrary message of mine from BotC I can tell you with a significant degree of assurredness what I meant

When I say townsfolk, I mean the group of roles labeled townsfolk, and the people within the game whose roles are within that group. Repeat for outsiders, minions, demon/demons
When I say scum, evil, etc. I mean a person that is within the latter two groups.
When I say good, town, or bd, I mean a person that is within the former two groups
When I say a towny, I mean a person that appears to be within the former two groups.
When I say a scummy person (or equivalent. This one does not have a particular term for me), I mean a person that appears to be within the latter two groups

This is almost always the case, and when it isn’t, I almost always provide a clarification. If I ever do not, it is a mistake on my part and I apologise for that

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Wow a lot has happened gonna need some time to read up

@Tangeld can a nominee vote?