(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Did you get to play in the previous round of this or haven’t played before?

Also I am not gonna vote today unless we got an overwhelming amount of evidence. Has partly to do with me not being active and another because I want to also see a bit more development before casting a vote

Never played this before

GUYS. No lynch. Vortex is NOT in play.

I have to agree, with the evidence I have gathered a no lynch is best suited in my opinion.

/Default Pardon @Tangeld @Arete

How can u be sure?

I’m interested

I am sure.
I have been gathering quiet information, and people trust me. Unless someone was lying to me, then the reasoning for vortex in game is impossible. Everyone else was lied to, while I had the truth.

ignore this lmao
no way to be certain

I will not reveal why. I have a contract. I told Hail, and he agrees with me. No lynch. I repeat, VORTEX is not in play.

Can confirm.

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Explain why you think vortex is play, then, and I’ll rebut what I can without breaking my contract.

i’m good, but thanks
there’s no way to prove at this point that it isn’t in play

I can prove that the reasoning for vortex being in play is false. However, I won’t.
/Hands Down All @Tangeld

So Hail told you, or you told Hail from other sources

Even if we knew for sure it’s not a Vortox game (which only you and Hail seem to be confident in afaik), unless we’re accusing DatBird of being Evil Bishop lynching is still pretty good here. I don’t have a read on Dat right now but it’s not terrible to lynch anyway.

I told Hail info I got from other sources, which came early on and makes more sense than what others say in this chat.

Actually, it is.
Since Dat is unconfirmed - although I find him to be town - we don’t know which alignment is nominated. I know I am Good. I know EVO is Good. Which leaves… 1.
But since the votes aren’t going that way, I’d prefer nolynch to a mislynch.

Read wise or mechanically

Also want ur opinions on both Evos and Nucleurs reveals