(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Actually, he can’t be mad about it or he dies.

i see no reason why it is

he isnt being mad about it

i am


because marshal suggested we should just lynch them

i suggested we don’t do that

its really not, when ST can see whispers

thats literally the last i want to happen

what u trippin

i think we discussed it before in the discord or somewhere else
but life is h a r s h

generally ST is not allowed to eavesdrop whispers, so they kind of have to act like they can’t

Hey Simon, why you acting strange?

Marshal, possibility of scum Simon. Discuss.

(Why the thread locked?)

i dont think i am acting strange

i think im acting as i am lol

“Oh, you’ve almost got it!”

Arete tilted their teacup as they struggled to lift it with ghostly fingers. “This really is harder than it looks.”

“I told you, it’s an acquired ski-“ Tan paused at the sound of a commotion outside. “Oh, what are they doing now? You keep working on that, I’ll go see what all the fuss is about.”

Tan drifted through the door of Arete’s home just in time for the angry mob to sweep past her, carrying EVO by his arms and legs as he struggled in evident fear.

“What in blazes are you all doing?!” Tan chased after the mob as they headed for the cliffs on the edge of town.

“No, please! I just-AHHH!” EVO was unceremoniously dumped off the edge and into the breakwaters below. The splash could be faintly heard over the wind.

“…The hell just happened here?” Tan scratched her head.

Marshal turned to her and shrugged. “Had to be done.”

EVO has been executed and night falls. Please send in your Night 2 actions if you have any. Night 2 will end in 24 hours, at 2020-03-06T03:00:00Z.

Flavor by Tan.
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Due to all actions being submitted, night will end slightly early.

Tan and Arete floated their way through the streets of town, planning how to spend their night.

“I say we spend some time along the bluffs. The moon really has been lovely the last few nights.”

“I’d rather head into the forest for a moonlight picnic, personally. The trees are starting to grow back after that totally random forest fire we had a few months ago.”

Arete frowned at Tan as Tan rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah, that totally random forest fire that no one could have predicted…”

As the two neared the town’s great clocktower, they heard a high-pitched scream. Drifting closer, they discovered the mangled form of Magnus, suspended from the hands of the clocktower by strong ropes. As the hands moved, his body was jerked from side to side like a macabre marionette.

“Oh, I know! We could have our picnic right here in the town square, make it dinner and a show!”

Magnus has died in the night. Day 2 has begun, and nominations will open at 2020-03-06T13:40:00Z.

flavor by Tan

man i finally have an idea for a custom title i might theoretically like to have


dont ask why i didnt post this in cookie thread

Hey, at least it wasn’t you this time, tan :upside_down_face:

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magnus’s blood is prolly all over the clocktower


blood on the clocktower
