(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

nominates tan, arete, and demom

prowo gamer moves

no, im pretty sure they only have to nominate at least one
and at least one of the choices nominated has to be the opposite alignment of the bishop

The ST must nominate 3, exact, every day

The absolute minimum number of nominations that the Storyteller must make with a Bishop in play is in fact one, as “At least one player opposing the Bishop’s alignment must be nominated each day.” Beyond that, anything else is technically optional.

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BotC and its “exact wording” rules…

I’m leaning towards numbah wan.

/whisper @Marshal



Any ideas? Speak up!

nobody whisper to wazza

do we have any idea what minions are in play
anyone claim pit hagged

or twinned

was anyone witched last night

fuck this isnt town of salem


midnight squad rise up

Looks like I was right about Magnus? Not sure if a nightkill on him proves me right about him being a villager. This setup is weird, I wonder if a nightkill on someone confirms them as a villager?

Simon is snake charmer or pit hag

Likely yes, except if the demon is a vigormortis
If the demon is a vigormortis, they want to kill their minion early because if the vigormortis kills one of their own minions, one neighboring townsfolk is poisoned.

It’s more likely to me that magnus was good
A flowergirl is an extremely powerful role that evil wants dead as soon as possible