(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

i’ll update when i receive the info

i thought you already got your information?

i did. I was just formatting that post to copy paste in future days.

I am the savant and I did already get my information, both days. The mod and I were both unaware of a mechanic of the class.

I still am trying to bait a fake savant claim though.

it would break the game if this was modconfirmed, so it won’t be, but I assure you it did happen.

Told ya guys.
This oughta confirm me now.

non necessarily if vigo is in play
we’ve already talked about you, read up.

None of it is important lol

Okay, I can’t be the only person to find this really scummy.

First, you claim you got information despite not having announced it first. You’ve provided an explanation for this, but i personally dont think arete would do that. I think arete would be aware of the rules enough to not do it. (not to mention Tangeld assuredly would remember, they’ve been doing this a while)
Secondly, once i challenge your claim with this information, not only do you claim the above reasoning, you also immediately backpedal slightly, saying you were trying to bait a savant fake claim.
Not to mention going after me for pushing you, although this part is admittedly weaker, as you really could just be that way when people think your lying (i dont get why your so against people thinking your a liar. its a hidden role game. a non-insignificant amount of the time you will, necessarily, be lying)

(Presuming you mean N, not me)

(Also I have a 1 bar public wifi connection; and it’s fast)

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(yeah im just not replying to one of his posts with it)

/accept @DirectorHail

this is the first and only time tangeld is running this version of this game on this forum, and they wrote their own text for each class that was slightly different from the official text in many cases

i usually tunnel people that accuse me of lying in FM

i don’t like being tunneled

if you really had that big of an issue with this, you should have brought it up yesterday so it could have been fixed for today. I received information both days thus far when both a host and I unknowingly broke a mechanic of this class.

Uh, Blood on the forums.

it’s a forum version of the game blood on the clocktower, that tangeld has altered in a custom way.

No one does. And as a role that gives very powerful information, with the only other role that gives similarly powerful information, the Flowergirl, in Magnus, already being dead, I should have the right to defend myself fiercely. Sorry.

also @Magnus you really should have not claimed as the Flowergirl. That is arguably the most powerful daily informational role in the game, and as soon as you outed, you were certainly dead.