(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

If u nom wazz I Venmo u 6 dolers

/whisper marshal
I’m not going to claim to you, but I’d like to talk to you

perfect, thank you.
/Vote No on @Universal
/Vote No on @Italy
/Vote Yes on @Nuclear_Rehab
/Vote No on @Vulgard


Claims aren’t really a thing anymore

I’m not gonna try to get them


i suggest everyone do this. Unless there’s a Vigormortis that killed a minion Magnus N2 (which is extremely unlikely; it’s not good to kill a minion N2 before they can act more than once and also Magnus claimed an extremely powerful class that the demon would want to kill as soon as possible), either @Nuclear_Rehab or @DatBird MUST be evil.

we have not ruled out vortox yet so everyone, please vote.

based on the conversation I had with vulgard here yesterday, we definitely find it more likely right now that Apprentice is the evil traveler than DatBird.

Do I claim? Probably not, since nobody is voting me. LolRNG.

Also, I’m really flip-flopping on my thoughts about the travellers. I have no idea which one is evil anymore. I’m leaning DatBird now because it’s typical for his activity to drop off if he is a wolf. Which is exactly what is happening today. Could be for out-of-game reasons, but it’s still at the back of my mind.

I think N.1 is a villager based on the mindmeld we had earlier. If not for the mindmeld, I would be wolfreading him today for taking control of the thread like this. I don’t think it’s warranted for someone in his position to try and lead the lynches.

/vote no on self
/vote yes on DatBird
/vote no on Rehab
/vote yes on Universal

Universal is entirely >rand and I would rather have their slot lynched over someone like Rehab.

Hey man I just got up but iirc I’m not even a mom am I?

@Vulgard datbird is not nominated; italy is.

Wow, goes to show how much I’m paying attention.

/vote yes on Universal
/vote yes on Italy
/vote no on Rehab
/vote no on Vulgard

Italy is always PoE and always >rand, I’m fine with this.

if you want datbird gone, you must formally nominate them for exile.
I’d prefer to keep datbird around for now because if there is a witch (which I believe to be a very real possibility), DatBird’s presence is making them entirely useless.

Like excuses excuses, but if you want reasons game started back up during my night class last night and after I got out at 9:30 I commuted home and worked on homework til 3 am building out my unity scene. I woke up at 9 for a class at 11 that goes to 3. After that I will have significant amount of time to invest

I formally nominate @Apprentice for exile.

My accusation is as follows:

At this point, I believe it’s more likely that he’s evil than DatBird, and giving a beggar good dead votes is not worth them learning the person’s alignment. The beggar would likely tell the truth whether good or bad and would just hoard all the votes for the end if they were evil. That’s how I lost one game last month.

@Tangeld @Arete

Also, a bishop always helps good early game even if evil by still giving us information we can use at little cost and completely nullifying a witch if it exists.

We could have Magnus give them his vote, and then exile

Nah, i’d rather magnus hold onto his dead vote for later
It’s already nearly a certainty that he was the flowergirl.

we don’t need to throw his dead vote away to learn his alignment when we already know what it is.

this is why i hate the beggar
the transactions that people make with the beggar is never worth the cost in the end, no matter what the beggar’s alignment is

and like i said, my info tells me that there is one evil traveler and I just scumread him more than DatBird
DatBird is a senior in undergrad taking several classes. I definitely believe him on how busy he is.