(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


your being rediculous and i want you to know that.
beyond a game level, beyond even a forum level. the idea that you could in any sense see this as okay logic is completely impossible for me to understand, and i hope you know that after this game im going to try and leave the forum for a few weeks, just so that i can get away from this

this has nothing to do with me being mad. this is to do with you refusing to calm down a thunderdome in any way, despite you yourself saying you want it to stop

i never asked for this thunderdome
you keep constantly shoving it down my throat
sorry that it’s hard for you to understand the nature of my resentment against being helpful to you

its not helpful to just me though!
it is helpful to you and everyone else here!

if we could just resolve this we wouldnt have to worry about it

and yet, like a brainless idiot, you keep pushing on in your rediculous stances, refusing to listen to any and all reason

wrong. This thunderdome literally does not matter at this point in the game since it’s so obvious that you’re mad.
You’re wasting an inordinate amount of time that you could be spending scumhunting, and you’re dragging my time into the dumpster along with you.

you’re the brainless idiot, my friend

if you even have one.
You’re mad, so maybe not.

Oy, no personal attacks in my game. Yes, the townsfolk are being sluaghtered by a ruthless demon, but we haven’t forgotten our damn manners.

simon started it, but fine.

I don’t care who started it, the Hell’s Librarian will end it.

Now knock it off before HL actually gets here. (That guy’s scary.)

so is HL here now or not
also if so, must you say the word silence verbatim to ask for silence
or no

No, Hell’s Librarian is not currently in play. That’s me saying “stop now or I actually will put it into play.”

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thank the heavens

anyway @Simon please let’s agree to disagree. I think you’re town and we both know that you know that im not the best tunnel target for today in the slightest, no matter how little I appease your desires in this thunderdome due to my own principles.
let’s work together to find the actual evils
thank you

you’re still so obviously mad that it’s not even funny
im frankly surprised, but grateful, that ST has chosen to be merciful to you in this way.

let’s now work together to solve the game
i don’t want to be enemies, but it seems you’ve been forcing that upon me

there is a better way, I assure you @Simon