(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

/accept @DirectorHail

I dont know if I can trust myself LOL but since I think town has lack of info.

Since the first Night, there has only been 1 evil player killed.

Confirmed vortox game
all mechanical info is guaranteed to be false

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Also if we don’t execute somebody reality fucking crumbles

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Is it really confirmed as such tho

Apprentice got an “Evil” on evo
You know…
The mutant.

I know its either the vortex or the other guy

It’s 100% Vortox

Yeah probably the Vortex then

My info also indicates EVO would be evil LOLbut from my speak with him highly unlikely really

personally i think what indicates evo is good is the fact that he claimed mutant and was immediately thrown off a cliff for it

well he didn’t claim mutant
marshal claimed he claimed mutant so evo didn’t claim in public but a claim’s a claim

Anyway Shurian getting a 1 means there are probably no dead evil players

i’m not 100% sure
but i think that’s a bad thing

let’s see

3 evils, 9 good
rounded to 4 and 10 if dat and apprentice are different alignments
if there are 0 dead evil then that means that…
evils almost have parity (which isn’t exactly an auto loss but it’s pretty damn hard to win once it happens)

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yes, this is a mechanically confirmed vortox game
This means the following:
Clockmaker must always receive entirely meaningless, false information with their ability.
Dreamer must never be shown their target’s actual character.
Snake Charmer is unaffected.
Mathematician must always receive entirely meaningless, false information with their ability, like the Clockmaker.
Flowergirl must always receive reverse information to normal (No if Demon voted, Yes if they didn’t).
Town Crier must always receive referse information to normal, like the Flowergirl (No if any Minion nominated, Yes if none did).
Oracle must always receive entirely meaningless, false information with their ability, like the Clockmaker and the Mathematician.
Savant must always receive two statements that must both be false with their ability.
Philosopher is unaffected.
Artist must always receive feedback such as if the truth was a lie and a lie was the truth.
Juggler must always receive entirely meaningless, false information with their ability, like the Clockmaker, the Mathematician, and the Oracle.
Sage must always be shown two people that are BOTH NOT the Demon.
**Beggar must always receive the reverse alignment result of the actual alignment of the dead vote they are given. VORTOX IS THE ONLY WAY THAT THE BEGGAR CAN RECEIVE REVERSED INFORMATION LIKE THIS.
No other classes are affected by Vortox.

Things known for certain at this point:
@DatBird is Evil.
@Apprentice is Good.
@EVO was Good.
I, @N.1, was Good.
People who failed to vote yesterday are extremely suspicious now, but I may declare an alternative best lynch target after I receive every fullclaim.

There are no evil people dead, @Shurian. I assure you that. Living people are 2 minions, 1 Vortox, 1 Evil Bishop, 1 Good Beggar, and either 5 townsfolk or 4 townsfolk and 1 outsider.
The game cannot possibly last more than four more days, including today. Only 8 residents are alive. Living travelers do not count towards Evil’s win condition.
There is probably a Witch running amuck but regardless we must exile Dat now and try to get a scum today, or it’s probably actually dead.


send me whisper requests
And when you do, please ping me in such posts here
So it is easier for me to find them.

ALL of your information must be false to the fullest extent possible, as elaborated here.

i’m going to say that i had to leave for quite some time so i couldn’t really be there
but at least you handled it
i would’ve died inside if i actually lost d2 to a vortox