(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

What defines false btw

coronavirus is a garuntee

witch prolly too at this point cuz no hag or doppel

I’m kinda now hella confused again


I can do the nominating because of Witch

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oh does it not effect travelers?

m e g a t h i c c

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oh perfect
that gives me even more incentive to confide everything in you haha

Okay thank god he’s dead. Dat was scum.

what a bold observation

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yes, of course he was scum, captain obvious


I mean like you’re savant right

mindmelding with N

probably town


I legit outed him as scum D2 but y’all ignored me so don’t blame me :man_shrugging:

correct, yes.
i am the savant and have always been the savant
simon was mad about being the savant yesterday
we’ve gone over this before
at least this game has, anyhow.

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I don’t think you get what I’m laying down

stares at n to accept my whisper

Travelers can be Witched, but I’m definitely the weakest role alive for good now that I’ve confirmed Vortox

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i still can’t figure out why travelers immediately cease all vital functions the moment they exit the town

no way you were witched last night lmfao

Have you ever actually gone into the forests outside of Ravenswood Bluff? Rough neighborhood.