(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)


either you don’t understand the kind of hole good is in right now, or you don’t care, because you’re scum.
Yes, my tone right now is mean, but it’s the only thing that might have a chance of saving good the game.

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You’re calling me scum despite the fact I’ve claimed to ya? Great, just what I wanted.

Whatever, just clear it out asap.

The following people are 100% cleared:

The following two people are 100% scum:

This leaves 6 remaining people, of which exactly 2 must be scum:

You seriously still think I’m scum?

Explain to me why I’m scum, I told you my class and my results.

you’re still certainly within the PoE.
not necessarily scum though

currently im null on you; but you are still def in the PoE.

Barber: If you die, the Demon, in addition to their kill, may choose two players tonight; these two players swap characters. This ability may not target dead Demons.
Pit-Hag: Each night (but not the first), choose a player and a character; that player becomes that character (but their alignment does not change). If the character you choose is already in play, this ability fails. If you make a Demon, all deaths tonight are arbitrary (decided by the Storyteller).

Best reasons I’ve got for why the results are why they are
I don’t think N.1 ever lies here. It’s too visceral to be fake and his play makes literally no fucking sense in that case

doesn’t explain why you would get correct results tho,
not even I got correct results.

/whisper Geyde
please accept; it’s important

Universal just kind of exists

I don’t feel agenda from this
Of course they are attached in thread to Marshal (want to hear what went down in whispers for reference [unless claims are in play but eh]) but I don’t really feel anything beyond sheeping from this. Might be better to read based off associations with Dat

geyde, accept this request, please.

/whisper n

I have no idea what going on at all

/whisper Marshal


i need to speak to geyde first, sorry
@Geyde you need to accept this request.

(it’s pretty urgent actually)

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