(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

There is never lylo before final 3 in blood on the clocktower, because you just have to kill the demon to win (not any of the minions) and all dead players get a ghost vote

They do, but they can sometimes be fuzzier than in, say, mountainous

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Essentially, oddness or evenness is relevant for determining the total number of lynches you can afford. If you have (for instance) 7 players alive, then if town lynches every day and the Demon kills every night, you end up with 3 total lynches, and if you have 8 players alive then you still end up with 3 total lynches, but once you have 9 you suddenly have 4 instead.

Actually, in this edition there are relatively few ways to prevent death! I believe the only circumstances in which there might be anything but 1 death a night are:

  • if the Demon intentionally chooses to attack a dead player, resulting in no deaths
  • if the Demon is dead but the game is prolonged due to a living pair of Twins, resulting in no deaths
  • if a player is executed at night due to breaking Mutant madness (will basically never happen)
  • if a Demon is created by the Pit Hag (technically, this makes deaths at night arbitrary, but in practice it will always be 0, 1, or 2 deaths)
  • if the Demon is drunk due to the Sweetheart (will basically never happen)

Witch (a Minion) can also cause extra kills during the day.

But thatā€™s actually a fair point ā€“ since you donā€™t know if you might have a no-death or a two-death night, itā€™s generally worth playing early days as though there were an odd number of players alive, even if there are an even number, so that you can take advantage of potential alterations to the oddness or evenness of the playercount rather than having what could have been an extra chance to find the Demon go to waste.

Can confirm

WCS you just nolynch in MyLo

Or MyLo+2 if youā€™re concerned about an extra kill from whatever the hell is in this game

Since your only goal is to lynch a single personā€¦ wouldnā€™t it be the best way to play the game just roll a dice and random lynch each day? :eyes: or are there any mechanics which stops game from ending when the demon gets lynched?

No because dismissing all mechanical info you may get is almost certainly worse than rand in any non-poorly-designed game

Presumably yes

Well, actually itā€™s better to reverse all mechanical info since the setup is only made for making mechanical info wrong in the favor of evils

While this might seem to make sense at first, itā€™s actually possible to do much better than random, either through social deduction or through mechanical means. Bear in mind that while itā€™s possible for information to be unreliable, that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s useless for gamesolving, any more than any of the ways for investigative results in ToL to be wrong mean that ToL investigative classes are useless.

In this particular edition, the only way for the game to continue if there is no living Demon is for a pair of Twins (the Doppleganger and their associated twin) to live.

Does it mean anything that this is more likely with less lynches or no

thatā€™s not how this works

thatā€™s not how any of this works

(and in this edition, knowing that youā€™re getting wrong info can still be useful, for instance by helping locate a No Dashii)

Thatā€™s kind of a special case because if you hang the wrong twin first you just lose

tf is this game

But this is wrong!
Malfunctioning allows the host to randomly give right or wrong info

I am aware of how the mechanics of the set-up work yes

So in factā€¦ if you think town has an advantage rn, you should reverse your mechanical info.
If you think evils have an advantage rn, you should use your mech info as given

Itā€™s all a mindgame host vs players

If you think someone is mechconfirmed, you should actually lynch him, since thatā€™s probably just the work of the host who helped evils to get mechconfirmed

I mean

The rules do not say ā€˜the host can randomly lie whenever they feel like itā€™ they say ā€˜the host can lie under these specific circumstancesā€™

Knowing that specific players have wrong info can be helpful in figuring out which circumstances occurred