(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

the other ways are down to outsiders and cerenovus, something that can seriously backfire for the wolves

i might join if homework clears up in the next few days
weā€™ll see

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A couple S&V games ago I self-nominated D1 because we wanted someone to be Vortox bait, and I knew if I died later on there was some risk of the Demon swapping themself with a Minion

I think this was a good call and I donā€™t really think itā€™s the same thing as a policy lynch

oh yeah also nolynching unless you actually have to is for cowards anyway


Fun fact, you can execute a dead player and vortox wonā€™t obliterate the town :eyes:

i should point out something incredibly notable about vortox
it dosenā€™t make all info stuff malfunction
it makes everything false

so savant doesnā€™t get unreliable info, he gets 2 statements that are not true. Sage doesnā€™t get randomly chosen players, he always gets two people who arenā€™t the Demon. Dreamer gets two characters, one good, one evil, and that person is neither.

iā€™d argue Sage is actually made better if Vortox is in the game, in fact

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yeah but thatā€™s still for cowards
lynching somebody is the one 100% reliable source of information

even without flips, might I add
VCA without a lynch is pointless

Donā€™t tell him how kamikaze works

itā€™s a fucking jester so iā€™m choosing to believe that itā€™s not real, because itā€™s not


I feel like this depends on the stage of the game youā€™re in

I saw a Sage die N2 (i.e. the first night when the Demon was allowed to kill) in a 10p game last night and it nearly won the game for Good singlehandedly

On the other hand if youā€™re dying the night before F3 itā€™s going to be more useful to have 2 confirmed non-Demons

First of all, Italy, they renamed it to Boomdandy. Keep up with this.
Secondly, Ici, Boomdandy is ā€œIf you are executed, game goes down to F3 and good has to get the Demon the very next day or evil wins.ā€ And thatā€™s a Minion, because that powerā€™s too cruel for an Outsider.

IIRC itā€™s also in The Tomb, which is an edition with good killpower, so Boomdandy can be defused like that.

i fucking know how Boomdandy works, and itā€™s the one character i plan not to tell anybody about when i get my copy so nobody ever uses it


jester is still awful even if itā€™s in a setup framework i like

ā€œHey, why are there only three Minions in this version?ā€

quick, no one tell Ici about Goblin

ā€œwhat are you talking about? Are you trying to pretend Wizard isnā€™t on the script?!?!?ā€

goblin is acceptable due to far greater meme value

Sicilian, letā€™s go