(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2: Electric Fang Gu Signups (Closed)

Thanks for the compliment by the way :smiley: and youā€™re the cutier one

universal is one of my favorite people on this forum omg u are so wholesome

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Mass pingus interrupted. Universal, where would you like to be seated?

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also since players next to each other can whisper each other

you get to chose where you want to be on the open spots on the playerlist

Iā€™ll like to be seated next to Marshal and also Arete is possible to get more involved in FPSinggg

All of the currently open slots are adjacent to one another, and none are adjacent to Marshal.

both seats next to me r taken and arete is the host

but thereā€™s still seats 6 - 7 - 8 and 9

I was about to ask if I can be seated next to the host. Game breaking right there xP

EVO is in seat 5, and Simon is in seat 10. If you wanted to guarantee being next to either of them, you could take the respective seat (6 or 9), otherwise 7 and 8 are functionally identical at this time.

Next to Simon pleaseee

Seat 9 it is. That puts us to a 12 player round. Gotta love those nice round numbersā€¦

Now then, since youā€™re already here, I donā€™t need to add you to mass pingus. Mass pingus resumingā€¦

umm i think itā€™s 14

Twelve citizens, which is what determines game comp. The Travelers donā€™t factor into that.

oh right

So our breakdown is 7/2/2/1.

Weā€™re currently at a player count for twelve citizens. If youā€™re fine with starting now, let me know.
(Italy was not included in mass pingus because I can just ping him on Discord, like he loves.)


Iā€™m fine with starting.

yeah me 2

I donā€™t care really.