[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

what the fuck
you should not be randing travellers in a game with guarenteed and extremely strong traveller KP

Travelers can just be yeeted to the abyss immediately if we donā€™t trust them though. We could cook them all d1

Yeah we lynch Napoleon tbh

Also its 2:30am so i am most likely going to sleep

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Why would we do that?

/exe Napoleon @N.1 @Marshal @DatBird

I am NOT advocating for that I was stating why itā€™s ok for Evil Travelers to be strong

yes but youā€™re not supposed to
it takes away a dimension of the game from the travellers
they have unconventional abilties and their allignment is not randed
so you have to make interesting discussions of storyteller intent combined with regular reads since they are generally immune to normal reads
and there should always be the possibility that they were randed, but also the possibility that they werenā€™t for balance reasons

Ok but can you not

Sorry now Iā€™m just confused can I not what?

This feels weak

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argue over mechanics

Napoleon is confirmed not Demon anyway

in a game with both Voudon and Bishop Iā€™m the most reliable KP you guys have got, unless you want to lose 3 strong village abilities immediately

but I feel like he has a high chance of being a minion.

yeah but hes the minion with fake classes given

unfortunately in the semi-open bastard clusterfuck that is BotC, you kind of have to discuss mechanics since FPSing is inevitable

i do not like this

I agree, especially with the whole ā€œNot the Demon thingā€

also, Revenant means the game completely flips to be about finding the player who has malfunctioning abilities.

Minions arenā€™t given fake classes.

Meaning if he were to get fakeclasses, he would have to be next to the Demon.