[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

thinking purely mechanically i think a bishop is more likely to be evil than most of the other travelers that spawned

/unvote exile

Yeah Italy is fine cause we got two minions in a lineup

I donā€™t think thatā€™s how that works

I doubt that would happen if Italy was evil.

You just completely ignore my logic, if you disagree, enlighten me please instead of these snarky responses :slight_smile:


Okay Iā€™ll enlighten you.

Why are you scum?

ignoring how rover just said ā€œtwo minions in a lineupā€ which is probably TMI for now
bishop is guaranteed to nominate at least one person that is not their alignment

Thatā€™s the question you should be answering

And Iā€™ll shut your response down

or its just in the OP

iā€™m pretty sure he meant ā€œnominated two minionsā€
but okay then

Werenā€™t you talking about how you shutting down useless mech talk is why we should keep you around? Youā€™ve stopped doing that, which makes me think you were lying about doing that.

/vote to exile Italy

Now you are defending yourself with ā€œuseless mech talkā€

And I agree itā€™s useless so bye

please put your head in a patting position italy

im taking you out of your box

technically thatā€™s not even a reason to be kept around
because the dead speak

The fact you reference Hippo makes me think Hippo may actually be covering for you