[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Oh, here’s another reason.

I claimed Kape pretty early on, with the risk of getting counter-claimed. Minions don’t get fed claims unless Demon is able to give it to them.

Why are you sheeping?

or the N.1/Geyde spawned

AH yes I suppose that’s possible.

N.1 and Geyde both feed the minions claims, and it isn’t unreasonable to think one spawned

I’m the one pushing on you.
Yet you say I’m sheeping?

You haven’t pushed on anyone else.
All you did was defend yourself.

wait so is Geyde the demon then?

That’s false.

I pushed on DatBird. I am shading Icibalus though we should keep them around. I am now pushing on Alice.

People suspected me beforehand and pushed on me, you are by no means the psuh leader.

Maybe. I don’t know.

I am the push leader right now as I’m using my own god damn posts.

You haven’t made your case any better, you’ve just made it worse.

Who would you rather see lynched than you and why.

Why am I scum then?

Alice. I’ve explained why like a thousand times.

I can’t be assed posting it again.

I’m just gonna go afk so you just die and I don’t have to switch. Cya

In summary, I townlean Apprentice, DatBird is dead, and I townread Redrover.

Then why wouldn’t you want DatBird lynched

Because he’s dead.

Because he kind of died, probably

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obviously we lynch his corpse

I take 33% credit of DatBird’s death