[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Welcome to the party vulgard

towngod vulgard is a phenomenon
which phase are we in
i didnā€™t read anything which means i have a fresh perspective to offer

okay so Creeping Terror or Shacklewright
which is it


Currently at the start of Day 2 discussion, but we act like we control the votes anyway

because we have both bishop and voudon active

oh youā€™re both travelers. nice
ici since youā€™re here can u explain why you shot dat or does datā€™s iso explain it by itself

also did kyo agree to yeet dat or did dat agree to get yeeted

Kyo agreed to yeet dat

yes datā€™s iso explains it by themself, but If you wish you can read certain parts of my ISO to get why I, in particular, was so sure heā€™s a wolf.

Although seeing that there was no deaths is an oddity

although you can solve that by asking if anyone got marked by a Templar, if not we probably have Arbiter game

okay. so datā€™s iso is some pushes early, then a random readlist where he includes tons of ā€œbutsā€ and ā€œwhat ifsā€ and only one confident v read, that being luxy
then he slowly deteriorates and wants to kill nappy and thatā€™s basically it
i can see how that could have been a wolf. wolf datbird can have a decently strong start but then he deteriorates quickly.

also do we know why there was no nightkill? iā€™m looking through the available roles and i canā€™t see anything that would stop a nightkill

Arbiter kills during day
Templar is like an arsonist

Thatā€™s basically all Iā€™ve got

Since I believe headhunter will always kill at least 1 person unless he chose dat for some reason

have you explained this
feels like you asspulled the first two reads on that list because you hadnā€™t talked about the other two in your iso beforehand

? wazzaā€™s response to that is my mood

frankly kyo feels like v
the complete lack of self-awareness in his iso and the flip-flopping and suddenly appearing reads all seem like villager Kyo to me
i feel like as wolf, Kyo is much more aware of what heā€™s actually doing ā€“ while here heā€™s just leveling

villagery post too
why? thereā€™s no point in posting this as a wolf. itā€™s random, it makes little sense, itā€™s not giving you any cred, itā€™s just a random claim that you get artificial ā€œ33% credā€
kyo doesnā€™t care what it makes him look like and that means heā€™s probably a villager

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iā€™m gonna say that ici yeeting datbird over kyo is a slightly good look for him because i think kyo is highly likely to be villa and datbird couldve been a wolf

iā€™ll read more people when i have the time
looks like i have no influence over the nominations as a resident anyway
thereā€™s a couple of people who i should definitely read

also whatā€™s the general consensus about the travelers
if thereā€™s no consensus then we should start yeeting them because if they arenā€™t towncored they shouldnā€™t be allowed to have complete power over the votes