[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

low effort read but amelia and napoleon being high posters is a great look for both

The travelers with control over the votes are both not exactly towncored

I wanna yeet all of the travelers starting with the one that stops us voting lol

mist having such a low post count is a terrible look for him and i’m always voting him out today if he becomes nominated
wtf is this

Katze is cool tho

also what was the consensus about my slot
from what i can tell it was a relatively high poster so i wanna know if i’m gonna get nightkilled or not

if it hasn’t been pointed out before i’m doing it now
it’s a wolftell for him, or at least it has been until relatively recently

Geyde was… some people wanted him to be the icibalus victim :eyes:


was there a swap?
because otherwise icibalus can’t yeet my slot

I, as Matron, can swap people at will

Meaning I can pick the icibalus victim

i’m aware which is why i’m asking

I swapped dat into the shor yesterday


What about me, though, Hippo? I’m the only reliable KP you’ll have left!

Yeah but u might be evil kp

I have u as 3rd to kill tho

I wanna exile italy or waz today

do you think icibalus shoots dat over kyo there or did he do it for towncred / because of the pressure
to be fair dat was a minion at best so icibalus wouldn’t know dat was a wolf. he’d only hesitate if the shot target was the demon bc he has tmi on the demon if evil
so fair point i guess but i want your take