[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


Wazza was actually the person that saved Napoleon near end-day
Wtf am I spewing out here

Why is Wazza voting yes on his townlean?

He voted no near end-day

Oh wait he actually is

Referring to DatBird being an obvious wolf.
He says that he can see DatBird being an obvious wolf now. Alright.

Napoleon writes this later, Kyo seems to agree now. Okay. And the only person who voted on Napoleon was DatBird, the openwolfer who also voted to exile Icibalus.

I do agree with thisā€¦

Okayā€¦ vote them for exile?

And here Wazza votes on Napoleon alongside the openwolfer despite expressing a desire to lynch Mist. Iā€™m not sure if that follows.

I donā€™t think itā€™s wolfy, itā€™s just weird. Wazza, what are you doing?

Wazza listed two people he wanted dead but is now voting on someone else alongside the openwolfer.
I donā€™t think itā€™s wolfy, because itā€™s too silly and completely illogical (which means there should be no agenda here), butā€¦ what?
If Mist and Napoleon are both villagers, this looks way worse, but even now it looks strange.

Iā€™m now even more motivated to remove Wazza from the game if heā€™s going to do stuff like this.

The problem is that we need a majority vote to remove the travelers, and barely anyone is voting.

Napoleon is not demon.

an exile has been called for onā€¦ all of the travelers.

If anyone hits 9 votes, they will be exiled barring special circumstances.

/vote yes on Wazza
/vote yes on Italy
/vote no on Amelia
/vote no on Icibalus
/vote no on katze <- Katze isnā€™t obstructing our ability to vote and nominate.

By the way, Alice is a villager. I read her ISO, and I canā€™t explain this well, because itā€™s a s o u l r e a d. G o d r e a d Alice V.





^ village, from more to less tentative. Cloned is only still there because I havenā€™t re-read him yet.

Null Zone / PoE:

Luxy (I think Iā€™m gonna come around to the slot being a villager eventually.)
Italy (Just exile this, honestly. Doesnā€™t seem like a useful slot.)
Hippolytus (I havenā€™t read him yet, so I have no opinion. One of my highest priorities to solve.)
Mist (I think this can be a wolf. Could be a villager, but Iā€™d say the odds are 65/35 W/V based on the fact he showed a sign of self-preservation where Apprentice and Priestess showed none.)
Priestess (Useless slot. KyoDaz claims something equivalent to a greencheck on it, which means this one should probably be eliminated as one of the last.)
Apprentice (I think this one has potential to be a wolf, except the problem is the lack of self-preservation. If the lack of nightkill has something to do with the Demon not submitting an action, then the Demon equity of Apprentice goes way up, IMO. I will have to re-read this eventually.)
katze (I have absolutely no idea. I havenā€™t read the ISO yet, but katze is hard to read anyway, so.)

From less to more. What am I smoking?

/yes wazza
/yes Italy

oh also nomination phase is over. You will have 24 hours from this post to vote and decide who to execute.


We like to trick ourselves into thinking we have control

although tbf Iā€™d like to actually be able to vote properly