[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

So my information is clearly false.

i need a drink

Well the N2 one is false.

wait wazza have you moved this game

But N1 we have no clue about.

/vote no on Mist

Right now Napoleon will be exeā€™d and I donā€™t know if I want that anymore.

No but Italy has.


i think italy is evil

I feel like italy really hasnā€™t convinced us heā€™s town

well, i think {Italy/Wazza} almost 100% contains an evil

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If we have a katze then we probably want to execute a good-aligned player. Seeing how there are two katzes (I want to know the other katze), the likelihood of there being a katze is high.

Who else claimed katze?

Honestly I agree. But either way I want to be exiled D3 if there is no Demon kill.

Who didnā€™t kill last night? Thatā€™d seem really odd. Itā€™s probably Templar.

I think the Demon is the only one who can kill.

Either that or itā€™s Arbiter

Fuck it. We need massclaim.

@Luxy - ???
@clonedcheese - ???
@KyoDaz - ???
@DatBird - ??? - DEAD
@Vulgard - ???
Hippolytus - Italy
Mist1422 - Katze (OUTSIDER)
@Redrover1760 - ???
@sulit - ???
Napoleon - Kape
@Universal - ???
@Alice - ??? (Powerful Town Claim?)

If you were pinged, it means you have NOT claimed from what Iā€™ve seen.

Arete ainā€™t a Demon.

I claim Matron :wink:

Arete is a Minion.

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Shut it nerd.