[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

With my impression of alice I mean


Perhaps it wasn’t Alice who said anything about her role, because I just checked her ISO and I can’t seem to find anything relating to it.

Just saying, evils can think they have up to 4 minions.

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Haven’t seen my role.
Haven’t seen the mechanics.
I want you dead now.

…huh, I made a haiku.

we’re massclaiming?
well i’m the Bishop

Or as little as 0

I am an Outsider with a Good Alignment, whatever that means. Weird how the color is Light Blue instead of Light Green. I play too much FM.

it means you’re a negative utility

*reads role PM*
…what the heck? That’s not even an ability. That’s a piece of information. --okay, how long do we have until EOD, and how the heck do I play this game?

I am still in this other game

okay so the goal of the game is to kill the demon
they’re the big bad, any other evils are optional but still kind of nice to have dead

why did you in without knowing how to play the game

i mean you can vote to exile me lol

Which says nothing to me. Explain the basics as if you’re explaining to someone who plays this game for the 1st time please. I only know FM, so everything here is new for me.

kat if you actually die to exile i’m going to mark you as a failure
just remember that if you get killed by the exile you’re going to be branded “the person who dodged less exiles than italy as deviant”

Because I was asked. Duh.

Oh? Can I just do this then?

/exile katze

Read this then

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im also deliberately not trying to dodge exiles

because wazza is still alive

fun fact even if they die they wont shut up

lynches are plurality only and you can’t just vote someone
everyone gets the ability to nominate ONCE per day
dead players can speak but can’t nominate and only have one singular vote