[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

That hurt.

A lot.

yeah that probably sounded mean

i just hate you and amelias roles

although amelia being alive is something im starting to accept

Voudon + Bishop combo is just unfun for everyone.
Itā€™s literally a huge negative to the point of wanting to get rid of them even if theyā€™re townsfolk, which is just unfun for the people playing Voudon/Bishop or unfun for residents who literally canā€™t do anything

Thanks for the info.

Forget claiming; has Cheese talked at all? (Also: DAMNIT, Cheese again!?)

  • Whatā€™s the current state of the Travelers? (I.e. how do people feel about them?)
  • Do we know how many Travelers there are? (I believe I read that 5 was the max. amount?)
  • Do we know all Travelersā€™ identity?

I get it. Nomination round is over, and can only exile Travelers.

I canā€™t read when Iā€™m interacting with people, because Iā€™m reading you guys!

Icibalus the Role, or Icibalus the Player?
Anyhow; why canā€™t he kill me at the moment?

Why do flavorclaims even matter in this game?
What did Napoleon claim?

Though itā€™s something we have to live with I honestly suggest preventing both being alive at the same time as a gamerule. If not, Iā€™d just outright not pick them again next time we play.

Flavorclaims do matter as they are AI but since we now know thereā€™s an N.1 in the game, all Minions and Demons were given safeclaims.

Im Kape

idk i just replaced in too

5 i believe
and yes. theyā€™re all in the op if you look at the playerlist

wazza im getting to you btw im just getting caught up

zone, which outsider are you.
i know youā€™ve claimed outsider, but if youā€™ve claimed beyond that i didnt even see it, so yes i am asking you to say it again.

Iā€™d assume since Zone claimed to start with info heā€™d be this one

wait dont asnwer

Bit too late.

Are you an outsider?

@Wazza im the luxy.
alice softed it a few times if you look through her meager log, just mentioning the role by name.

this is why i said its important, but not powerful, as it doesnt really do anything actively, but it still affects the game

already claimed that no, im not

The fact weā€™ve turned to using petty quick-claim strategies in an attempt to catch scum is pretty worrying

I wonder if this includes N.1 information.

Oh thatā€¦ welp youā€™re so getting nightkilled

Almost 90% sure Simon is telling the truth

You read me wrong; I said ā€œpeople besides meā€ as in ā€œpeople other than meā€. So? Who else claimed a role?

9 votesā€¦ yeah, no. Thatā€™s impossible given how I donā€™t even know how much time I have left.
Welp, I guess I canā€™t exile katze Today then.

Need to check that soon, but is Amelia also Traveler then? Currently busy with reacting to everyone by making wallposts all over the place.