[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Exile is just murder the traveler

zone, wazza automatically disables every living playerā€™s vote

No I know why Wazza lynched me

I was good and so Universal prevented Demon nightkills yes?

No nominations may be placed before the nomination phase begins.

Arbiter doesnā€™t have nightkills

Why are we exiling Wazza

No, I thought it would but itā€™s Arbiter game. This wasnā€™t mechconfirmed yesterday but mechconfirmed at night.

cuz he wants to be

Derps is apparently mechconfirmed V according to Kyo. Not lynching there.
Mist and Universal should die. I think Iā€™m nominating Hippo today.

I am Town.
But I cripple Town incredibly.
I must die.

no, because the Demon does not kill at night, and why was this role put in the set???

but why tho

Not to mention we have 2 DEAD SCUM who control 50% of the vote currently.

His existence messes with the voting system and doesnā€™t allow us to nominate. Screw that.



I cased you earlier and canā€™t be arsed to repeat myself.

@N.1 does ā€œsafe from the demonā€ mean the original ā€œcannot be affected by the Demonā€ or the modern ā€œjust canā€™t be stabbed by the Demonā€?

ā€¦wait, what? So we can nominate people to be executed, but only you and the dead can vote to actually execute people?

/Exile Wazza Then

Pretty much