[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Arbiter is a demon

Wait, wait a moment. Doesnā€™t that mean Wazza is mafia?

does that mean one of uni and wazza are scum, cuz if they are it is probably wazza cuz uni looks like they have no idea whats going on

And weā€™re supposed to be safe from the Demon.

/attempt to shoot Universal


I initially misspoke here.

ONLY wind chimer actually prevents them from being targeted by the ability at all; the vulgard just stops them from dying as a result of the ability.

Arbiterā€™s chat is how he kills people

heā€™s literally asking to get lynched in a game where Shackelwright chat is a thing

Then why isnā€™t Wazza dead?

I am so confused right now oml

Someone in the chat must die today
Then everyone in it dies

Ummā€¦ I think

Then why do I die?

Because Wazza should have been safe from the Arbiter

If youā€™re really the Vulgard

nah N.1 deconfirmed that recently


Yall just got played like a fiddle by Wazza. The guy is a minion trying to throw you off the tracks.

fails. I do not see the approval granted anywhere before this post

please donā€™t tell me this means I canā€™t shoot

Wazza is a traveler, canā€™t be minion