[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

ill let you nerds put 2 and 2 together

derps you’re dumb

Yeah I’m bored

And don’t get the game

So if I do a bunch of stupid rts

Maybe I’ll figure it out

It’s forum mafia with a few extra steps, really.

it didnt sound like an RT derps :thinking:

It’s not a good rt if it sounds like one lmao

I remember when me and Eevee convinced someone we were scum In royal chat that was fun

I mean, ‘I’m bored’ isn’t going to let you live past the next voting phase

well, lets see how everybody else feels

derps claimed demon to me in whispers, asked if i was evil, and then asked me how to play arbiter

i don’t believe it’s an RT but i also woke up to 3 messages, and he claimed demon to me before i even responded

so i mean, there’s a chance

but like


I’m sad now I thought you were evil

Oh jesus christ.

Incoming orangeandblack5 claim

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this is the kinda sufficiently stupid thing derps would do as town

but it sounded pretty convincing

orangeandblack5 claim doesn’t matter
@Icibalus let’s end this fool

Ici shot universal

didnt ici already shoot today

Like I said it’s not a good RT if it sounds like a RT

Wait how did Icibalus shoot Universal without my permission