[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

i mean

i was gonna out derps as demon and then leave the town

the ultimate kthxbai

Marshal, Arete, Katze

Is this a formal application submission for self-banishment??

no its me saying that itā€™d be funny, you nerd

/exile Marshal

thatā€™s a yikes

thatā€™s a yikes

that is less of a yikes

this sounds like a dream scumteam

/nominate Marshal
Clearly the scarlet woman

you may not exile the storyteller


nomination phase has not begun.

thats not what you said in our whispers

you cried like a baby :^)


can neither confirm nor deny

seriously tho

i wanna play a FM game where the scumteam is katze/arete/marshal

weā€™d all ruthlessly bus eachother

actually we can legally nominate and execute you if we wanted to instantly lose the game


letā€™s be real, we would both bus arete d1

id bus myself

Anyways fun times

Probabaly not gonna put much effort into the game

Hello there.

Also dawn 3 just happened and no revival, so someone probably died.

It probably was faulty logic to exile italy, but I was under the assumption it didnā€™t count as a death per sayā€¦

Oh well

Before you ask, I was not Arbritered. Obviously.

On second note unless Arbriter is no killing I highly doubt we wouldnā€™t know there is one by now.