[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Katze claimed. Arete not claimed. DatBird claimed Marshal. No one CC’d Marshal when DatBird claimed it.


Also I read over like most of it, and like it kind of just went in and out of my brain.

So like idk

@Marshal make the location for this be close to the Arctic :smiley:

Also unrelated note, is everyone doing fine with the quarantine thing? Just want to make sure everyone is safe and sound. Sorry for this being extremely off topic


still an angel as usual i see uni

note: that fabled is still not in play

Are you safe and ok though?

I ain’t lol

Is it getting bad where you are at?

Wazza is gone ;-;

Eh, not exactly in my area but my country, yes.

we have the 2nd highest deaths per day in a country, just behind the US which is a lot larger.

I am just really worried for all the people who have serious problems with their immune system. And even the healthy are getting it. Like your PM Boris Johnson. I really hope they all make it through

Boris just got removed from the ICU
He’s doing fine now

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In any case, I wish you the best of luck against this virus Wazza. Stay safe, stay frosty.

Funny you mention that there has just been an outbreak down the road from me

That’s great news to have during these turbulent times. I am happy he was able to make it through! Let’s goooo

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Also SDA is almost always shot tomorrow unless someone miraculous changes.

Why would you shoot me

Actually, can we just hang him instead

Okay but why lmao