[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Not that I care about Katze being evil lol

oH nO, yOu GoT mE

By the way, everyone else has accepted, but are you joining the Traveller Pact?

saying this in thread makes it surprisingly easy to frame both me and priestess

jake the wolfie vibes INTENSIFY

Well I claimed to Katze so Katze could pass on my role to Priestess and then we all die.

@Redrover1760 I feel really bad for you, 4/6 of your top liked posts were all from the game where I nommed you all to death.

why were you asking chemist for help
didn’t they say by that point that they had school stuff to focus on

No they didn’t say that by that point.

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i am still awaiting a claim from priestess but she’s busy being not here

im not really sure what else to do with my whispers other than interrogate for claims because part of my plan signing up here was to whisper everybody with cat pictures

it turns out whispering only 2 people cat pictures is a lot less fun

as such i still want whoever limits our whispers to be exiled

But then I existed

why did you do it

Because I decided I’d like to combo with the icibalus

but you ruined the deviants plans

I also almost got dat modkilled with my first swap :^)

you are evil

No u

How did you manage to get modkilled

the difference is i could hardclaim evil and not get exiled for it

you cannot