[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

oh wait I’m alive

Why is mist good?

My moneys still on derps

oh yeah i’m a Morophon

I can believe the arbiter did add derps to the chat given he clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing, as shown by when he added WAZZA to the chat of all people.

So I’m going to switch myself so I can whisper both derps and kyo, fun times


How’s that work

/Switch Amelia and KyoDaz @Marshal @N.1

I’m Matron, I can swap two people’s positions
Also you can only whisper neighbors while I live

@kyodaz and @Amelia have swapped places!

I see okay

So I think I screwed it up lmao
I didn’t know if nappy being dead made him my neighbor or not

I have no idea how it works

Well uh
Good thing I have 3 swaps per day :upside_down_face:

/Switch Napoleon and Derps

Because uh
Napoleon does indeed still count as my neighbor despite us murdering him

@SirDerpsAlot and @napoleon have switched places!

I’m confused.

I don’t know who I want to kill.

Who was in Arbiter chat last night?