[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

wazza im

both in a terrible mood and also have barely thought about this game

If you shoot in Vulgard, SirDerpsAlot and KyoDaz, all 3 will die. If you shoot either Hippo or Redrover, only 1 will die. Either way, Vulgard, SDA and KyoDaz will die today.

id shoot hippo with that logic

i feel like demon wouldnā€™t put themselves in that chat with icibalus existing
unless its derps lol


You guys donā€™t understand but I do tbh. I was suspecting Derps for a long time which might be another reason I was added.

oh yeah, I forgot about cloned lol.

cloned is confirmed not-demon and confirmed not-minion if Kyo and Hippo are real.

@clonedcheese read over Wazzaā€™s posts for me and tell me if you think I should shoot Vulgard. Your permission in this would be most appreciated.

Upon Vulgardā€™s death, 3 players will die:

  • Vulgard
  • SirDerpsAlot
  • KyoDaz

yeah but the Demon isnā€™t amongst those 3

I do not think that the Shackelwright chose themself.

The arbiter choosing themself when they need so many people dead sounds so unbelievably dumb

Didnt we exile wazza

Yes we did

wazzas the demon we win

please laugh

Why can exiled ppl talk lol

Because the dead can talk

Scarlet Woman game confirmed

I thought the difference between exile and death was exile is for good

exiling is just a third method of causing death