[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Cloned approve of vulgard’s death

Cloned is good I know he is.

Not good but not demon I meam

you do realise we live in a setup where there’s a villager who literally cannot claim their actual role

there’s so much FPS material in this setup that outsider games do not clear people in the slightest

Wait cloned zone and mist are all outsider?

Wait what

Anyway based on wazza shit I feel like redroever is probably evil lol. Let’s just shoot him.

no there can’t.

what the fuck
why is there no realistic way for Outsider numbers to not be what they seem here???

yes there can

Geyde is an outsider also.

an Outsider that removes the other one. ergo, less than 2.

If Geyde spawns, Geyde is the ONLY outsider


uh thanks for wrongly assuming my role I guess?

I’m absolutely confused about this outsider talk

Oh right. But it would replace it with a townsfolk and we don’t have a geyde claim.

no you I meant Zone lol

I swear I saw mist when you first posted
why you be editing :angry:

Bad Moon Rising has Lunatic and Godfather, Trouble Brewing has Baron and Drunk, and Sects and Violets outsiders are directly incentivised not to claim. Part of the setup is that Outsider claims cannot be locked realistically, and this setup basically breaks that rule, making it much easier to solve.

Outsider claims are >rand v but absolutely not fucking clearing.

because I messed up and quickediting is allowed.

Mist is an outsider also anyway.